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Taste of Health


"The 'un-sugarcoated' truth: whether we like it or not food dictates our health- both mental and physical- so let's stop feeding into bad eating habits and FAD diets and start to nourish our mind and body"- AlAnoud Dabbas


Hello, I'm AlAnoud

I have always been passionate about nutrition and everything it entails. Having been a Jordanian national track and field athlete, I was drawn to the world of nutrition early on. I wanted to improve myself both as an athlete and as a person not only through nutrition but also by building a healthier relationship between mental and physical health. I mainly aspire to help those who have suffered from an eating disorder (ED). I would like to help them regain a more positive outlook on life both physically and mentally. That is why I would like to become an RD and specialize in nutritional psychology so that I could explore this niche realm of work

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This portfolio contains the original work of AlAnoud Dabbas. Please do not copy without permission. All of the exhibits, work samples and/or services are the property of the organization whose name appears on the document. Please do not copy or duplicate without permission. Thank you!

Spice Market Dubai

Check out Some Photos


Get to know me more by exploring some shared photos and experiences I have had. Click on the photos on the right to explore some more


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